
First-Aid in the forest | Cuts and wounds

Pine Resin (Pinus spp.)

We are in the forest and we’re having a great time. But I just cut myself on a little thorn. So naturally I want to have a band-aid.

This is the beautiful Pine (Pinus spp.), covered with some resin. When resin matures, it gets harder and harder. But it’s (semi) liquid in its early forms.

What I do is I just take a little bit of this pure, yellow resin. What a sight to look at! Warming it up between my fingers, it’s gets really sticky. This texture needed cover the cut thoroughly. It’s really amazing, because this is both functioning as a band-aid; and it’s antibacterial. This means that there aren’t going to come any bacteria in there, as long as it’s covered. After applying it, I do not feel pain anymore, where I did feel a little bit of pain before.

Nature provides!


Pro-tip for when the outer side of the resin is still sticky: simply put a little leaf right on there.
