
shrub struik juniper jeneverbes medicinaal medicinal nature natuur foraging wildplukken infecties infections antioxidant immunesystem immuunsysteem spijsvertering metabolism
shrub struik juniper jeneverbes medicinaal medicinal nature natuur foraging wildplukken infecties infections antioxidant immunesystem immuunsysteem spijsvertering metabolism

Common Juniper
(Juniperus communis)

Digestive system and immune system

“During my hike I arrive at a vast moorland (Ericaceae), surrounded by pine forests (Pinaceae). As I look across the low vegetation, I am drawn to solitary common juniper (Juniperus communis), standing among the heather. They seem erratic to me, and my inspiration is in full swing. I will be making a fine herbal bitter soon, and these berries will be part of it! Oh, imagine the fine sipping after a warm autumn meal.” Stay tuned, more on this coming soon. ;)

Did you know that the berry has been used medicinally for centuries? The herbal bitter I am about to make will have an effect on the stomach and digestion. This would reduce intestinal cramps and flatulence (yes, farts). In addition, the berry can be beautifully used therapeutically as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Studies show it may play a role in bacterial and fungal infections, joint pain and even bladder infections.

Although it can be used in dishes, the effect of the berry is powerful. Therefore, use the berry only therapeutically in consultation with a professional. Feel free to always message me about this.

Mind you, I emphasize that harvesting those pretty cone-shaped berries in the wild is not a good idea, a they are protected in the Netherlands. Fortunately, they are easily available online.

shrub struik juniper jeneverbes medicinaal medicinal nature natuur foraging wildplukken infecties infections antioxidant immunesystem immuunsysteem spijsvertering metabolism
shrub struik juniper jeneverbes medicinaal medicinal nature natuur foraging wildplukken infecties infections antioxidant immunesystem immuunsysteem spijsvertering metabolism
shrub struik juniper jeneverbes medicinaal medicinal nature natuur foraging wildplukken infecties infections antioxidant immunesystem immuunsysteem spijsvertering metabolism